Smooth dimming and flicker-free light improve customer experience

Luminaires using InviTrack drivers truly emits a calm and flicker-free light that improves customer experience.
Considering the aspect of colour, focus, intensity, and position when designing luminaires are all part of improving the customer experience. Design luminaires create the feel of the room and must be aesthetically pleasing whether it is lighting up areas of an exhibition, museums, or retail shops, lighting has become a crucial part of the customer experience. A good light quality plays a major role in the customer journey. It can improve the customer experience by setting the right ambience to the room, and lead customers to engage more with the products. That will eventually increase sales.
LED lighting has significantly become popular over the years. But a large number of the commercial LED drivers on the market are technically challenged, especially when it comes down to performing a smooth dimming curve and being flicker-free.
Flicker can cause severe health issues
Flicker has proven to harm our health whether it is visible or invisible flicker.
Studies have shown that a high level of non-visible flicker is harmful and causes problems and damages to our health, resulting in headaches, migraine, strains on eyesight, tiredness, and fatigue. People who are exposed to flicker light daily are therefore at risk of enduring severe health issues and even short exposures can be harmful.
Choosing an efficient LED driver with a high quality of flicker-free function for luminaries improves the light quality. LED drivers with a flicker level below the IEEE1789 NOEL (non-observed effect level) standards like InviTrack, will improve the quality of design luminaires. It also creates a safer and healthier environment for employees, office workers, customers, and others exposed daily to artificial room light.
InviTrack driver is designed and developed with a focus on performing high-quality LED lighting with no visible nor perceivable flicker and provides a tightly controlled output with eliminated flicker which is compliant with the IEEE1789 NOEL requirements.
Flicker-free LED drivers can ensure healthy lighting and create a stress-free environment for all. Regardless of the setting level of a bright or dimmed room, it is crucial to eliminate flicker as much as possible to enhance the room and light quality.
InviTrack DALI will improve the quality of light
Dimming can set a pleasant, calm and comforting atmosphere in the room. Lighting is a great aesthetic to set the perfect atmosphere. By implementing track lights to highlight specific indoor areas or objects in a window display, lighting is key to setting the right ambience. By highlighting some areas and dimming down others, it can help direct consumers' attention to the objects and areas to impress and become noticeable when exploring the space. Dimming is an efficient tool to use when focus and attention are essential to be applied in specific areas or rooms.
Customer experience can also be enhanced by setting different levels of brightness to a room or an area to improve the environment and ambience. Dimming is not only a great tool to enhance room quality but is also a healthy approach to reducing the environmental footprint. The purpose and effect dimming has is to create a sense of calm and relaxed atmosphere in the room, this will impose a positive effect on consumers who will feel likewise when exploring the room. Controlling the dimmed light is also beneficial to highlight important messages, visions, and brand identity in aspiring ways.
Dimming LED lights have never been an easy process without causing stair-stepping dimming effect and flicker. When transitioning the room level from a high level of brightness into a dimmed setting, the process must flow smoothly to achieve a natural feel when dimming the LEDs. To achieve a higher quality of light the goal is to achieve a smooth transition for the LED lighting and be able to create a low level of intensity as much as possible for the luminaires.
Whether creating a specific atmosphere by lowering the intensity of light by day or night InviTrack DALI version can provide a smooth dimming curve down to zero without causing a flicker for the design luminaire.
Quality of light, room & people
A good customer experience is important to increase the level of engagement from viewers and consumers.
Lighting has a great effect on creating ambience and a pleasant atmosphere for the consumers when they walk into a retail shop, museum, or hotel the LED driver contributes to a high quality of light. Therefore, by featuring the right ambience to attract potential customers from strolling past a window display to wanting them to enter the shop and engage. Lighting and dimming have a great advantage which can be controlled to highlight certain objects for consumers. By creating a calm atmosphere for the viewer, it can make them stay longer and increase the chances of higher engagement, traffic, and sale.
Flicker is an issue with most modern LED lighting, as it can cause all sorts of discomfort. Flicker and bad quality of light is an the unseen but very real distraction that potentially can draw away the customers' attention from the product and may even trigger the desire to leave. A purchase is only made when the customers feel like making it and to reach that point, people need to focus on the product, therefore it is vital for consumers to feel relaxed and comfortable to stay long enough and make a purchase.
Altogether the customer experience can be improved by LED drivers’ good functionality by being flicker-free, meeting the standard requirements of IEEE1789, and performing a reliable and smooth dimming curve for the LED light. All in all, a high-quality LED driver like InviTrack imposes a safer and healthier environment for people. By achieving a higher light quality for design luminaires, the customer experience will be improved.