Flicker free
InviTrack technology truly eliminates flicker. The flicker level is kept well below IEEE1789 NOEL, PStLM and SVM limits. InviTrack put an end to any unpleasant effects from LED lights.

Smooth dimming
InviTrack is DALI2 certified and has outstanding current accuracy and control on efficiency on all levels down to 0,1%. This ensures a smooth and pleasant dimming curve all the way.

Wide output window
InviTrack drivers have an output window that fits just about all current LEDs on the market. With InviTrack you can reduce your inventory and minimize production errors.
No inrush
The InviTrack drivers have a negligible inrush, and you can run all lights in the store with fewer circuit breakers. No inrush is equally good for the client's budget, and for the environment.
Reliable lighting solutions are a must, especially in retail and hospitality. Our quality assurance procedures ensure that your luminaire will turn on every time, day after day, year after year.

Wide compatibility
InviTrack is compatible with all major 230 V systems on the European market. Your InviTrack-based luminaires will fit alle systems without any modifications.
About InviTrack
NPC is a brand with a vision: To make LED lighting healthy and environmentally sound while making unhindered design possible.
InviTrack is truly embedded in the track, setting your design free. On top of that, it outputs flicker-free current that outperforms everything else on the market. Plus, it’s efficient at all levels.
By making a switch to the next generation of drivers, you can improve your designs, ensure your position in the market and improve life for the people living and working under the light of your luminaires.
Completely in-track, enabling a true no-compromise design
Flicker free, no visible or perceivable flicker (IEEE1789 NOEL compliant, very low PStLM and SVM values).
Low temperature, ensuring high reliability through high efficiency and good thermal design.
No inrush current, enabling use of the full power rating of the main fuse.
Superior diming, smooth, deep, accurate and efficient via DALI2.
Fits most major tracks, including EUTRAC, Global, Stucchi, Unipro and more.
Three colours, available in white, grey and black
Max output power 28W
Output current 350-700 mA
Output voltage 18/24-42 V
Min dimming 1%
Standby <0.5 W
Set current via DipSwitch on Non-Dim and through DALI on DALI variants
Download datasheet
Max output power 28W
Output current 100-700 mA
Output voltage 12-42 V
Min dimming 0.1%
Standby <0.25 W
Set current through DipSwitch on all variants, or through DALI
Download datasheet and installation guides